Friday, March 23, 2012

Waiting for Spring to....Sprung

Since winter seems to be rearing its ugly head longer than usual this year, I decided it was time to take control of the weather inside our home. Heading to Home Depot I was looking for a flat of perennials to plant along our patio, or an arrangement of succulents to pot on the porch. What I ended up finding made my day brighter than I thought possible and turned into a continuous craft/gardening project.  These seedling eggs were so cute, just waiting for me to take them home and grow them. Super easy, I would recommend this project to anyone. It was the perfect thing to put a spring back in my step and chase those winter blues away. 

{Home Depot bought Eggs}

{Crack Eggs Open with the Back Side of a Spoon}
{Water your Eggs}
{Watch them Grow!}
 I will keep you up to date on the progress of my spring flowers! The instructions suggest that they receive full sun and should start to sprout within seven days. I am looking forward to them blooming and hope it is soon. 

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